2025 International Conference "War and Peace: Russia and Eurasia - Development and Exploration"
【Lecture】The Crossroads of the Nation Berdyaev‵s Political Thoughts
【Lecture】The historical connection between Russian populism and Putin‵s populist operations in the 19th century
【Lecture】Czech Republic between Europe and Russia
【Lecture】 Another Thought on the Russo-Ukrainian War
【Lecture】Russia‵s transformation under the Russo-Ukrainian War
【Lecture】President Putin‵s trip to Beijing after his re-election: Discussing the historical grievances between China and Russia in the Far East
【Lecture】康德論永久和平: 一個可能實現的烏托邦? (系列一)
【Lecture】I come from war
【Lecture】Ukraine: Overview And Lessons Learned
【Lecture】The Geopolitical Tug-of-War in the Balkan
【Lecture】The Future of Russia (Society, Economy): Scenario for 2030
【Lecture】Big Business in Putin‵s Russia
Economic Sanctions and Firm Survival in Russia
【Lecture】 The Bridge of the Slavic World
【Lecture】State of Kuwait: Fact, History and Invasion
【History of CCP and Ideology 】Series Lecture
【Eurasian Civilization Lecture Series】: The Global Significance of Taiwan as China‵s Frontier
【International Conference 2023】 The Impact of Russo-Ukrainian Conflict on Relations Between Russia and East Asian Coutries